Monday, 7 May 2012

7 powerful mindset shifts to create a money breakthrough.

"7 Powerful Mindset Shifts to Create a Money Breakthrough and End the Constant Cycle of Never Having Enough"

On this CONTENT RICH call you will.....
  • Learn 7 powerful mindset shifts you can use today to create a money breakthrough and end the constant cycle of never having enough money.
  • Discover where you are giving your power away around money.
  • Three steps for getting out of debt - learn the truth about debt.

I've just signed up to this call Vicky White  is putting on tomorrow Tuesday 8th May.

8 is the Chinese lucky number, so who knows where this may lead and thought I'd pass on the link to anyone else who's interested.

7 powerful mindset shifts to sign up too!

I'll be bringing pen and paper AND my delicious Cacao Chocolates to focus on changing my mindset!

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

It's a kind of Magic!

It's been a week or so since we woke up to a world that turned white overnight!
Opening my front door - what a magical hushed world it was ...

Now that the snow has melted away, I can hardly remember that Winter Wonderland we lived in for a few few days.  Mind you, I'm really glad that we don't get weeks of snow at a time - I'm a sun lover!

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Clutter Free Forever - my mantra

Clutter! I've been catching up on my emails and Blogs that I like to follow and that's what has popped up - clutter is my word of the day.

And I am bogged down with  the clutter stuff - I'm a hoarder, one of those people who keep things because:

  • one day I'm going to read this ... or do this ... or use this
  • I might still need this ...

and of course, my favourite:
  • you never know when it will come in handy.

Oh those "you never know's" and those "one day" words constantly used by me. Recognize any of this in you?
It's been on my mind to finally let stuff go, make room for new stuff!  
Synchronicity is telling me to de-clutter!  

And here is what has motivated me to spend this coming weekend sorting the clutter.
It's always a smiley moment opening my email from MORNING COFFEE to see what gorgeous arty pictures and coffee cups and mugs are going to appear - and these were the first words I read:

by Jane Powell 
“It’s a new day and a new attitude.”
When you throw things away you can expect feelings of guilt to creep in. Why? Because you wonder if you’re making a mistake – God forbid you may need it later.
 The truth is, you’re not making a mistake and secondly you can rest assured you won’t throw away anything that is essential in your life.
Remember that you are in the process of adopting a new attitude. 
You don’t need clutter in your life. Clutter is a prison wall, an iron fence, a ball and chain, blocking you from the energy you need and that you so much deserve.
It’s a new day and the perfect time to set sail with a new attitude. “Clutter Free Forever” is your new mantra.

" Morning Coffee"
Created, and maintained by:
Copyright © 1996 -2011
" Morning Coffee" all rights reserved.
To subscribe send an email to the following email addresses.

Morning Coffee is an insightful inspiring read including fabulous contributions by Ralph Marsten. And the artwork is so uplifting and beautifully done - always a cup of coffee illustrated in nostalgic happy artwork!  Subscribe and see for yourself - the link is above.

Next was an inspiring post from Claire Maguire  - take a look at her blog; thought provoking ideas on health and food and some e Courses that look really interesting.  "Dr Claire Maguire is a motivational lifestyle coach, speaker and passionate foodie who inspires people around the world to step out and be the STAR of their life".  
We should be the star of our own life shouldn't we?
For I know in my heart what I wish to achieve this coming year but I’m not in a state to write it out into a plan. The reason being I’m surrounded by clutter from the holiday season. From people visiting, the kids new stuff from Christmas, the kids being at home and so on. And what I find is that when I’m surrounded by clutter I cannot think straight.

And in what Claire wrote - there it is again - Clutter!

It's so true - how can I dream and think and plan if there is no space?  I'll be de-cluttering this weekend; it's about half way through January, so I'll be ready for the rest of the year.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Well, I love everything that I've read on the blogs on my list from 1st January 2012 but here is my absolute best!!! 

Last year, and I can't remember how I was directed to her website (synchronicity at work, no doubt) I came across Goddess Leonie of Goddess and bought her year planner for 2011.  Although I did buy it a couple of months after the beginning of the year, it was one of my best gifts to myself.  I loved the Artwork, the work sheets, the questions, the motivation and inspiration I received.

Yay! I just downloaded the 2012 Creating your Goddess Year workbook, planner + calendar ($9.95 that's affordable isn't it even in this time of the credit crunch), although it's free to me because I am a paid up member of the Goddess Circle and it's even better than last year if that's possible.  

(Check out the Goddess Circle here and sign up - it'll be the best gift you give yourself - membership is $99.00 and gives you access to all of Goddess Leonie's amazing creations, e Courses and e Books as well as the Goddess Circle and the Goddess Yearbook, planner and calendar).  

I've been spending time on completing various work sheets looking back at 2011 - the highs and the lows, what I've learned and what I need to learn.  So the old year came to an end and I have closure on it - 2011 is over and better is to come.

Now I'm busy with worksheets for 2012 - goals, aspirations, daily and monthly plans and dreams!

The 2012 Creating your Goddess Year workbook, planner & calendar is an incredibly popular & useful tool to help you plan out & make happen your most incredible year yet. Over the last three years, thousands of women have used this workbook with the most amazing results. It’s the best planning tool available to help you make your year more inspiring than ever. 
It’s filled with over 100 pages of worksheets & a printable calendar to help you dream, manifest, set your intentions, plan & cultivate your amazing new year. The workbook has been lovingly handwritten & rainbow illustrated… perfect for you to print out, soak up the rainbow colours of & get thoroughly inspired by!

You’ll get clarity on what you need 2012 to be. What you want to create during it. And most importantly, how to make it happen.

Goddess Leonie is an generous, joyful, wonderful creator - I joined the Goddess Circle which enables me to use all her e Courses and Meditations and the Year Planner free and there are so many to choose. But I think to me, the most awesome of all is that Leonie is constantly creating more inspiring offerings and shares all her gifts and joy so abundantly with us.  

There is truly never a dull moment when Goddess Leonie is around!

And if you're not sure what Goddess Leonie is all about,
 take a look at all her freebies here   


1st January 2012 -a new day and a new year ........ 

what will 2012 bring I wonder?

Listening to the news and reading various blog posts it could bring doom .. gloom, lots of the same old negativity and fear, pestilence and famine - oops I'm scaring myself here!

 (And if you're stressed after reading that, go immediately to and read my Lens Stress Buster Recipe to feel better). 

If thoughts create the world we live in, then I'm going to focus on the positive; there are so many wonderful things to be grateful for - just being alive is a great start don't you think?

Reading some awesome Blog posts written by amazing people on this first day of 2012, has made me feel inspired, motivated, calm, happy and hopeful - a truly divine state to be in and one I'm going to try to cultivate this year.  So a big thank you to these wonderful writers from me.  

Closure on 2011, plan and inspire yourself for your best year ever in 2012 is what many are saying -offering tutorials, e Books and freebies on the subject.
  • Let's Radiate (I love Michelle's latest blog ... make that habit stick in 2012; work sheets to down load, lots of business and techie tips; I'm always learning something).
  • Earth Empress (wow a fabulous blog and beautiful messages every week.  Shakaya Leone's book Naked Beauty is on my Wish List!)
    VedaSun inhale ~ enjoy ~ exhale - aromatherapy. Gina Rafkind is an holistic anxiety coach and has a lovely blog. Check out her Anxiety Busting Challenge for January.
Please let me know what you think ......

A Gift for you - download my Stress Buster Recipe