Monday, 7 May 2012

7 powerful mindset shifts to create a money breakthrough.

"7 Powerful Mindset Shifts to Create a Money Breakthrough and End the Constant Cycle of Never Having Enough"

On this CONTENT RICH call you will.....
  • Learn 7 powerful mindset shifts you can use today to create a money breakthrough and end the constant cycle of never having enough money.
  • Discover where you are giving your power away around money.
  • Three steps for getting out of debt - learn the truth about debt.

I've just signed up to this call Vicky White  is putting on tomorrow Tuesday 8th May.

8 is the Chinese lucky number, so who knows where this may lead and thought I'd pass on the link to anyone else who's interested.

7 powerful mindset shifts to sign up too!

I'll be bringing pen and paper AND my delicious Cacao Chocolates to focus on changing my mindset!